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Thank you for showing an interest in our train to teach program at Holly Lodge High School

Holly Lodge offers many opportunities for those looking to train to become a teacher. We link with a number of training partners to provide a school based experience. The aim of this is to maximise your time in school so that you can learn from experienced practitioners to develop as a teacher in your chosen subject and at a whole school level. Our Initial Teacher Training programme offers a range of subjects. English, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Computer Science, History, Geography, RS, Art, Design Technology, and PE.

Please email Ian Melling, our Assistant Head Teacher responsible for Initial Teacher Training, ( with any questions or for further information. We can arrange a telephone call or a visit to school.

We are also offering a chance to join us on a three week internship to work alongside staff and students in Maths, Science or Computing. You will be paid £300 per week during your internship

Download the flier here for more information and the application details

What do our former trainees say?

The School Direct training pathway is an effective way to prepare you for the journey of teaching, as it gives trainees more independence and confidence. The School Direct training experience is truly reflective and the most effective preparation of a career in teaching.
Kully Takhar, Holly Lodge School

The School Direct route into teaching effectively prepares trainees for the practicalities of a career in teaching. The mixture of university based learning and practical teaching experience is invaluable; allowing trainees to take both theory and ideas immediately into the practical classroom situation.

Aisha Zafar, Holly Lodge School

Being based in a single school for a significant amount of time allows trainee teachers to build valuable relationships with pupils, measure progress both for themselves and pupils, as well as offering the opportunity to build supportive relationships with colleagues, experiences which are vital.

Ryan Lee, Holly Lodge School

Information about train to teach

Our school based training programme leads on to Qualified Teacher Status and PGCE qualifications. This gives trainees the opportunity to spend more time in school right from the start, with teachers and students, allowing you to feel part of the school where you are training. Although there is no guarantee of a job at the end of training, many of our trainees have been able to get jobs with us or at a partner school.

Our training partners are Haybridge SCITT and the Community Academies Trust (CAT Institute of Education).

We aim to produce outstanding teachers for the future. To achieve this we recognise that new entrants into teaching need the best support possible.

Trainees are attached to a subject mentor who is responsible for supporting the trainee on a daily basis, giving regular feedback to take their first steps as a teacher, discussing, planning and giving advice. There is also a professional mentor in the school taking overall responsibility for the training programme and ensuring trainees have access to high quality professional development.

Our teacher training partners play a crucial role, with each trainee receiving subject specific training throughout the course. University tutors work closely with trainees and mentors in school ensuring that all aspects of a trainees development are fully covered

In addition, all trainees are provided with a laptop for the duration of the course. This is invaluable in both the teaching side of the course and the training aspect.

Our Initial Teacher Training programme offers a range of subjects. English, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Computer Science, History, Geography, RS, Art, Design Technology, and PE.

Apply through the DfE Apply for Teacher Training Service website ( Search for either-

  • Haybridge Alliance SCITT (2B3)


  • CAT Institute of Education (17B)

Remember to choose Holly Lodge High School as the training location.

Before you apply you will need to consider the following eligibility criteria-

  • Degree 2:2 or higher (ideally your degree should relate to the subject you wish to teach, although depending on your circumstances we will consider your Level 3 qualifications)
  • GCSE A*-C grades in English and Maths
  • School Experience. Although not a requirement of making an application, recent experience of working or volunteering in a school will assist your application and help you to be happy in your choice of career.

The Get into Teaching website ( provides useful information on applications. Your application must convey your passion and commitment to teaching; it should refer to any experience in the classroom and explain why you would make a good teacher.

Following your application we will invite you for interview at Holly Lodge. At interview, we will want to find out about your qualities and skills that give you the potential to train to be a teacher. There will also be a short activity with students to assess the way you relate to young people.

It is possible that following a successful interview that we will make taking a Subject Knowledge Enhancement course (SKE) a condition of your offer. These courses are fully funded and support you in your preparation for teacher training and are delivered online or face to face.

Applications through DfE Apply for Teacher Training Service open in October and we will accept applications up to July, to begin teacher training the following September. We will continue to recruit until places on individual courses are full; therefore, it is recommended that you apply as early as possible to ensure there are vacancies in your chosen subject.

Still Interested ?

If you would like to know more about our teacher training opportunities contact Ian Melling (Assistant Head Teacher responsible for Initial Teacher Training), who will be happy to arrange a phone call or a visit to school.

Mr Ian Melling