Welcome to the attendance page, here you can see and read through all the key information around your child’s attendance and punctuality to Holly Lodge High School and how you can best support your child. There is also key guidance on the school and the Local Authority’s expectation around attendance and punctuality. You can read key policies and documentation, look at the support offered and the tiers of support that we use and work around. We also have examples of letters that we send home and the attendance contracts that we may use.

Attendance Codes

Attendance type and reason Code
Present at the school / = morning session = afternoon session /
Present at the school / = morning session = afternoon session  
Late arrival before the register is closed L
Attending education provision arranged by the local authority K
Attending an educational visit or trip V
Participating in a sporting activity P
Attending work experience W
Attending any other approved educational activity B
Absent – leave of absence

Leave of absence for the purpose of participating in a regulated

performance or undertaking regulated employment abroad.

Leave of absence for the purpose of attending a medical or dental appointment M
Leave of absence for the purpose of attending a medical or dental appointment J1
Leave of absence for the purpose of studying for a public examination S
Non-compulsory school age pupil not required to attend school X
Leave of absence for a compulsory school age pupil subject to a part-time timetable C2
Dual registered at another school D
Leave of absence for exceptional circumstance C
Absent – other authorised reasons
Parent travelling for occupational purposes T
Religious observance R
Illness (not medical or dental appointment) I
Absent – unable to attend school because of unavoidable cause
Unable to attend the school because of a lack of access arrangements Q
Unable to attend due to transport normally provided not being available Y1
Unable to attend due to widespread disruption to travel Y2
Unable to attend due to part of the school premises being closed Y3
Unable to attend due to the whole school site being unexpectedly closed Y4
Unable to attend as pupil is in criminal justice detention Y5
Unable to attend in accordance with public health guidance or law Y6
Unable to attend because of any other unavoidable cause Y7
Suspended or permanently excluded and no alternative provision made E
Absent – Unauthorised absence
Holiday not granted by the school G
Reason for absence not yet established N
Absent in other or unknown circumstances O
Arrived in school after registration closed U
Administrative codes
Prospective pupil not on admission register Z
Planned whole school closure #

Attendance Information

Attendance Leaflet

Attendance Policy 2024-25

Leave of Absence Information

Holly Lodge Attendance Letter 1

Holly Lodge Attendance Letter 2

Information to Parents re Penalty Notices

Sandwell Attendance Information

Sandwell attendance page

Holidays in term time (penalty notice)

Penalty notice code of conduct

Contact Attendance at Holly Lodge High School

Mr A Robinson Attendance Officer arobinson@holly-lodge.org

Mr L Burke Assistant Headteacher – Attendance & Transitions lburke@holly-lodge.org

Government guidance on school attendance for parents

Guide for parents on school attendance