2022 – 2023

Academic year 2022-23 saw a return to full external assessments/examinations. Grades were awarded without some of the same mitigations in place which had seen other post-covid cohorts results incomparable to the last full set of external assessments/examinations in 2018/19.

Whilst examinations and grading standards in 2022/23 were broadly in line with 2018/19 expectations, a full return to pre-covid grading and full absence of mitigations is expected nationally for the 2023/24 summer examination series.

Key Stage 4


Year Progress 8 Attainment 8 Eng & Math 9-5 Eng
(Ave. Points Score)
% Pupils entered for Ebacc
2023 +0.20 41.2 32% 49% 36% 3.33 8%
2019 -0.43 37.2 21% 41% 25% 2.96 9%


Destinations 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Sustained Education, Employment or Apprenticeship 95% 93% 94%
Any sustained education 92% 89% 91%
Sustained employment 3% 3% 1%
Sustained apprenticeship Small Cohort 1% 1%
Destination not sustained 4% 4% 4%
Activity not captured Small Cohort 3% 3%

Key Stage 5


Year A Level
Per Entry
A Level
Ave Grade
Per Entry
Ave Grade
Applied General
Per Entry
Applied General
Ave Grade
Vocational Tech
Per Entry
Vocational Tech
Ave Grade
2023 31.08 C 31.09 C 33.07 Dist – N/A N/A
2019 31.41 C 31.45 C 31.15 Dist – N/A N/A


Retention 2019 2022
A Level 92% of 48 students 94% of 36 students
Applied General 88% of 26 students 95% of 40 students
Tech Level No Students No Students
Tech Certificate No Students No Students


Destination 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21
Sustained Education, Employment or Training 82% 93% 85%
Any sustained education 72% 90% 76%
Sustained employment 9% 3% 7%
Sustained apprenticeship 1% 0% 1%
Destination not sustained 12% 3% 12%
Activity not captured 6% 3% 3%

Performance Measures


You can find more information about these performance measures in the 16 to 19 accountability headline measures guidance the 16 to 19 accountability headline measures