As a school

We will:

  • Support your child’s wellbeing and safety by providing a safe, supportive and caring environment including working with external agencies and appropriate bodies.
  • Help and encourage your child to reach their full potential
  • Monitor and update on your child’s progress at parent/carer meetings and in regular reports
  • Communicate any concerns about your child’s attendance/behaviour/wellbeing with you as their parent or carer, and respond to any concerns from your child or parents/carers
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that caters for all children, including when delivered remotely
  • Promote high standards of behaviour, and outline clear expectations in our behaviour policy so we can maintain a safe environment for all children
  • Set homework including 100% sheets that supports the delivery of the curriculum and mark it where appropriate
  • Offer opportunities for parents and carers to get involved in school life
  • Communicate between home and school through letters, newsletters, text, email, ClassCharts, and the school website
  • Respond to communications from parents/carers in a timely manner, following school policies.


I will:

  • Sign up to ClassCharts and log in regularly to monitor and support my child’s behaviour and homework
  • Understand that all notifications are presented via the ClassCharts app including notification for detentions.
  • Make sure my child attends school regularly and on time. I will notify the school if my child will be absent
  • Make sure my child is dressed in the correct uniform and brings the necessary equipment to school
  • Support the school to make sure my child maintains a consistently high standard of behaviour as set out in the school behaviour policy
  • Ensure my child attends detentions as set during social times (break and lunch), afterschool and weekends where the school sees fit and support all necessary consequences to poor behaviour as set out in the school behaviour policy
  • Encourage my child to try their best so they can reach their full potential
  • Communicate to the school any concerns that I have about my child that may affect their behaviour in school or ability to learn
  • Make sure communication with the school is respectful, and that I make every reasonable effort to address my communications to the appropriate member of staff
  • Understand that I should communicate with staff during core school hours, and although they may at times respond outside of those hours, I can’t always expect that
  • Make sure that my child completes their homework including learning 100% sheets on time and raises any issues with their teachers
  • Read and follow the school’s policies as appropriate
  • Treat all members of the school community with care and respect
  • Engage in parent/carer meetings and work together with the school in order to achieve the best outcomes for my child
  • Read any communications sent home by the school and respond where necessary


I will:

  • Arrive at school and my lessons every day on time and ready to learn
  • Try my best to do my work and ask for help if I need it
  • Do my homework and learn my 100% sheets on time and raise any issues with my teachers
  • Speak to an adult about any issues I’m experiencing that may affect my work or behaviour
  • Speak to an adult about any concerns I have about my or other pupils’ safety or wellbeing
  • Wear the correct school uniform
  • Bring to school all the equipment I need each day
  • Treat all members of the school community with care and respect
  • Understand and follow the school rules
  • Look after school equipment, and show respect for the school environment and local community
  • Follow the school’s computer use policy
  • Engage with all support offered.