Exam and Assessment Results
Key Stage 4
Grades awarded for academic (GCSE) qualifications are now based on a 9-1 scale replacing the alphabetical scale (A*-G).
Further information on how this compares to previous systems for the awarding of grades at GCSE can be found here:
Vocational subjects (such as BTEC qualifications) are awarded on a Distinction to Pass scale at Level 1 and Distinction* to Pass scale at Level 2.
Since 2016 all students and Schools have been measured on how much progress students make from when they start in Year 7 to when they complete their exams at the end of Year 11. This is known as Progress 8.
Progress 8 – The Progress 8 measure is designed to encourage all students to study a broad and balanced curriculum.
This measure is based on students’ progress measured across eight subjects.
For each student the 8 subjects must be a combination from the diagram below.
Further information can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IAEgFMSGDY
The Progress 8 score will always be determined by dividing the points total by 10 (the eight qualifications with English and Mathematics counting double), regardless of how many qualifications your child sits or in which subjects.
Attainment 8 – showing the pupils’ average achievement in the same suite of subjects as the Progress 8 measure.
Basics Measure – If your child achieves a grade 4 or better or grade 5 or better in both English (either Language or Literature) and Mathematics.
EBacc Measure – The EBacc (English Baccalaureate) recognises the success of those young people who attain GCSEs, at grades 4 or better (referred to as a “standard pass”) or grade 5 or better (referred to as a “strong pass”) in the following subjects – English, Mathematics, Geography or History, Science and a Language.
Key Stage 5
Grading at in academic subjects at Key Stage 5 remains based on an alphabetical scale (A*-E).
Applied General Qualifications (such as BTEC qualifications) are awarded on a Distinction* to Pass scale at Level 3.
A student’s performance in their qualifications contributes towards their Average Points Score which is used when applying to Higher Education establishments (although it is not to be confused with UCAS points).
Progress from Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5 is measured using the Value Added measure. This information is published nationally each year along with other measures such as average grade.
2020-21 – Awarding of Grades
The following document details the school’s approach to the awarding of grades in the summer of 2020-21 via Teacher Assessment.