What is EAL?

EAL stands for English as an Additional Language. It’s one of several acronyms used to describe the teaching of English where it is not a person’s first language. This is the acronym most commonly used in UK schools, but some may use a different version such as ESL (English as a Second Language) or ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages).

EAL at Holly Lodge

Over 60% of the total school population at Holly Lodge have English as an Additional Language (EAL). We are fortunate to have over 50 languages spoken by students and staff. The school regularly welcomes New International Arrivals (NIA) students including Refugees and Asylum Seekers, mid-term across all year groups. The EAL department recognises the need to welcome, support and settle these students in to school life. Our intent is to provide relevant language proficiency support to ensure EAL pupils reach their full potential and can access curriculum content in all subject areas across the school. We promote equality of opportunity for all EAL learners and deliver a support curriculum which reflects the differing needs of our EAL learners.

Students that arrive from abroad and need extra language support are made to feel as welcome as possible and encouraged to play an active part in school life.

EAL Students

EAL Department

The EAL department also provides opportunities for students to practise their speaking and listening skills informally through lunch clubs and after school homework club.

The EAL department regularly communicates the needs of EAL learners to staff through pupil profiles, staff briefings and staff CPD sessions.

Advice and Support

See below for links that may be of use if you have English as an Additional Language or are new to the UK.

Local Authority Asylum Seeker Support

The UK English Education System – guidance for parents – to read this document in a different language, click on the link and scroll down


Levels of Proficiency in English – what does it mean? Click on the link and view each level of language proficiency


Local Authority Asylum Support Service

Salochana Devi and Ricardo Taylor are the Local Authority Asylum Support Liaison Officers (LAASLOs) for Sandwell. They are employed by the council to work with asylum seekers who have been granted leave to remain by the Home Office and have been notified that their National Asylum Seeker support is ending.

The service:

The LAASLOs help with access to healthcare, education, housing and any other support required to help them to settle in Sandwell.

Who can receive support:

People making the transition from asylum seeker to resident, at the point when they have received the Home Office decision, and they have been notified that their National Asylum Seeker support is ending, and they will need to move out of the temporary accommodation provided for asylum seekers.

Further information:

If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to call:

Referral process:

To make a referral please email: Salochana Devi or Ricardo Taylor along with the person/family’s name, address and contact number.

They will arrange to visit them at their home or at their nearest council office.

07384 877885 - Salochana Devi
07384 877885 - Salochana Devi